I'm about to embark on a few work breaks over the coming weeks, which got me thinking about how as a society we really struggle to switch off and slow down.
Being a business owner (and currently just me, myself and I employed by the business) it's even harder to switch off. There's no one to direct emails to or for a colleague to pick something up to you. So you better hope the pre-planning and organisation is done correctly!
I contributed to an article in the Metro on embracing the quiet moments (link in the comments) and I see from my clients and the wider society, that we all just need deep rest this August.
Here are some tips and tricks to help you slow down - whether you are working through the summer, lounging on a beach drinking a cocktail or hiking up a welsh mountain.
Be as organised as you can be (your future self will thank you for it)
Prioritise your to do list based on importance and urgency (the Eisenhower productivity matrix is great for this). Schedule time in the week before to ensure these tasks are done and anything new that comes in that isn't urgent - park until you are back. This should mean you aren't working until midnight the night before your holiday trying to get everything done.
Make sure your out of office on your emails is on and it's clear who is the best person to contact in your absense, or when you will respond.
Switch off/delete all work related technology
It can be easy when you are relaxed on holiday to just check in on your emails, whilst everyone else is having a Spanish siesta. DON'T DO IT. You need to be really boundaried with your energy and even just checking in on work will take you 2 steps back from the rest and relaxation that you need. No one will die if you don't check your work emails.
Try new things
A break away from your normality is a great opportunity to try a new activity that you haven't done before, or haven't in a long time. This will stimulate your brain and unlock your creativity which will boost your mood.
Breathework and meditation are a great way to slow your body down. I have always struggled to maintain a regular routine (hello 2 small children) but find the times when I can meditate and focus on my breathing, so powerful and a great, quick tool to calm myself. Even 5 minutes is great. I use a meditation podcast called Purely Being - you can listen to on spotify.
We are so used to 'doing' the whole time and being so busy that we often forget to just 'be'. This is something I have done alot of work on for myself this year and think it will be a life's practise! Slowing down allows us to check in with ourselves - how am I really feeling? what do I need right now? these are great journaling prompts if you ever feel disconnected
Sleep/ rest and listen to your body
If you have been on auto pilot and manically busy then it's likely your body is sending stress signal and excess adrenaline. Slowing down will allow your body to regulate. Connect and listen to what it needs - and honour that.
Would love to know which tip you will be focusing on for the rest of August!