Google, what is the meaning of high performance?
better, faster adjective. Britannica Dictionary definition of HIGH PERFORMANCE. always used before a noun. : better, faster, or more efficient than others.
When you think of high performance - what comes to mind?I think the term ‘High Performance’ has been re-written by society and companies to drive us to work harder. Do more. Be more. With nothing ever being quite enough. It seems like it’s what we are all working towards but the goal posts are constantly changing.
It’s become a buzz word that has been overused with no real meaning. What some organisations have failed to do, is take the time to really define exactly what they mean by high performance. What they expect from each level of the organisation. Clear expectations around high performing and low performing behaviours. Consistent reinforcement across all levels.
I must confess to you, I’m not sure I love the term. But after many an hour researching and reflecting I can’t find a better word or phrase that contends with it, and so it’s what I will be championing!
Maybe that becomes another reason why we need to redefine high performance?
I hosted some in-person sessions for the senior leaders of a Global Data company, as part of a 4 month leadership programme I am running for them. The focus for the session was ‘building high performing teams’. We had a group discussion on how important it was to redefine high performance to ensure it was relevant to individuals in this new age.
And this is what they came up with....
There are multiple facets to high performance.
It’s about personal attributes - how motivated, inspired, driven and connected you are to what you are working on or towards.
But it’s also about the environment and culture. Ensuring that everyone feels a level of psychological safety to share without repercussions. That everyone feels included and a sense of belonging. They know the value they bring and their role. Wanting diverse voices and perspectives around the table. To challenge, in a positive way.
And this all forms the basis of the work I do and more importantly, the change and impact I want to have in the workplace.
To educate, question, challenge and equip leaders and teams to redefine high performance for them.
Because high performance is what drives improvements, growth and progress!