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Living by your values (and quitting when they don't align)

Writer's picture: emibuttonemibutton

It had not been an easy decision to make. By any means.

But handing in my notice from my 9 year corporate career was one of the best.

It helped me to unlock my power and unleash my potential.

Because the corporate world is broken. It doesn’t serve the women that work within it. It didn’t serve me.

The uncomfortable feeling that had grown and grown, was due to a mismatch with something extremely important to me.

My values.

Values are what are important to us - whether we are consciously aware of them or not.

Being out of alignment with your values can have a huge ripple effect on your life; causing discomfort, unease and a low mood.

Your values should determine how you conduct yourself and the work you do. They are useful measurements to determine if your life is turning out in the way you’d like it to.

They are an important part of your personal brand and will be how others see and judge you. It’s important that what you believe your values are, align to what others believe too.

Values are usually stable - yet they don’t have strict limits or boundaries. As you evolve through life and work, so too will your values.

Here are some journaling prompts to help dive deeper into uncovering your values:

  • What is important to you?

  • What is a trait you admire in yourself and others?

  • How would you like someone to describe you in 3 words? Why are those words important?

I’d love to know in the comments what your values are, I’ll share mine too!


Due to recent breakthroughs with clients, I’ve decided to open up an additional 121 spot for my ‘Transform’ 3 month coaching package to help women like you who are ready for change, starting in January.

Ready to fully invest in your greatest asset, YOU? When you’re at a crossroad - whether that’s a change in career, becoming a mother, not becoming a mother or wanting to break away from society’s chains - it’s time to reconnect to your power so you can make conscious, lasting changes.

As you might expect, a full life transformation takes a bit of time. Across 3 months, we’ll lay down your personal foundations, reevaluate and re-route your direction and cut through your mindset blocks, leaving you energised and motivated to live a life that YOU’ve designed.

Book in for a discovery call to see the magic we can create for you by working together



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