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Dec 14, 2022
A year in review
I wasn’t going to write this newsletter, but as everyone seems to be beginning the wind down to Christmas and starting to reflect back on...

Nov 29, 2022
Living by your values (and quitting when they don't align)
It had not been an easy decision to make. By any means. But handing in my notice from my 9 year corporate career was one of the best. It...

Nov 15, 2022
The journey to Contentment
We’ve done some great things together, me and my striver. It was the thing that got me from a fairly average academic record to a 1st...

Nov 1, 2022
Career Development Planning
It didn’t bother me that I was 10-15 years younger than the predominantly, male directors who would be my peers. I was an ambitious 26...

Oct 10, 2022
The 2 C's - what a composter and your career have in common
Please forgive the slightly strange analogy and stay with me on this one - I might be a genius or absolutely insane (I don't need to know...

Sep 19, 2022
How to ace public speaking
Public speaking is such a common hate for so many out there. It can feel like such an unnatural environment and can make us feel...

Aug 30, 2022
The Great Exhaustion
We will have all heard of the Great Resignation – people moving jobs, careers and industries at a fast pace. With all that movement,...

Aug 16, 2022
The art of slowing down
I'm about to embark on a few work breaks over the coming weeks, which got me thinking about how as a society we really struggle to switch...

Aug 2, 2022
Failing Fast
For me there’s always a correlation between how long a project takes me and how much I care about it. I find myself going over the minute...

Jun 14, 2022
How a career development plan helped my career sky rocket
Career development plan – ever heard of it?! No, I thought not. It took me until about 5 years into my career to hear about this and I...

Mar 29, 2021
Advice to my past (newly self-employed) self
I’ve been reflecting a bit recently (lockdown has that effect), on how much my work life has changed in the last few years. From...

Mar 25, 2021
How to create your life vision and why it is so important
It took me feeling stuck and unhappy, to really get clear on how I wanted my life to look and feel. I was 27 and a director in a global...

Jan 7, 2021
Word of the year for 2021
For the last couple of years I’ve had a word of the year and found it such a useful exercise to go through in terms of the thought...

Sep 8, 2020
Career Advice and Tips (Back to School Special)
In the essence of utilising those back to school vibes to give us a boost for the final 4 months of the year – I will be kicking off a...

Sep 1, 2020
Networking – what is is, why you should do it and how to map your current network
Networking is a phrase that is often bandied around but many of us wonder what it actually means! It can instil fear in many of us at the...

Aug 25, 2020
Productivity in a pandemic
The pandemic this year has impacted pretty much all of us in one way or another. For those of us that aren’t key workers or haven’t had...

Aug 18, 2020
How BIG PICTURE thinking helps our lives and career
When was the last time you took time out to assess your life and career from the outside in? Probably not recently! Taking a step back...

Aug 11, 2020
How a lack of Self-Promotion is holding you back
Self-promotion is a funny thing. We hope that our experiences/skills/business/career speak for themselves, but sadly we know that is not...

Aug 4, 2020
Is having it all a fallacy for women?
We all know the phrase. It’s something that feels almost entrenched in us as women and passed down from our parents’ generation. What if...

Jul 28, 2020
Why I left my Corporate Career
This is a post that I have been putting off writing as it was too personal and made me feel too exposed. However, I think that's what the...
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